Sunday, April 18, 2010

Experience in Art 307

Discuss your experiences in Art 307. What have they contributed to your understanding of Art? of the Role of Art in Leaning? of what the relationship between education and learning is? of the role of the teacher in this process?

In 307 we learned alot about different types children learners. These include multicultural backgrounds, special needs, and age groups. Children have many different developmental stages and they require the fundamentals to refine when they grow older. I've learned that art is not limited to those who have talent and skill, although this is beneficial as an attribute to have. Art displays the children's understanding about their concepts and the world around them.

The role of the teacher is to further develop their learners' understanding. Teachers need to incorporate holistic learning to account for their student individuality and learning abilities. There are different types of learners, from special needs, to other ethnic groups. The teacher has to find a way to implement the curriculum in such a way that everyone in their class is accounted for. At the same time, they also have to treat all their students equally and with the same care and attention.

Learning art is important for children because it provides them a chance to express themselves creatively. Children have the capacity to understand concepts and are able to create art. These concepts are may be simple and can be further developed. Other subjects contains elements of art, while other subjects can be incorporated with art. Because art is more of a tactile, kinesthetic activity, it engages childrent alot more than other subjects. Also it can accomodate for the various type of learners.

Learning is something that never stops for anyone. Learning can occur outside the education institution. Learning can take place in the community and through interaction. Education and learning are definitely connected in that learning is always taking place and education is the thing that initiates the learning.


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